Let's Prowess



Make as little as 5 euros monthly payment. You may think that 5 euros is not much, but for these organisations is vital to survive and gratitude their good cause efforts, we can leave a better world for future generations helping today each other. Payment is so easy and safe, you can make it either Debit Card or PayPal. As a reward, your 5 euros monthly contribution will be exchanged by exclusive monthly discounts to spend in all amazing Let's Prowess clothing available in the online shopping store. Check the massive discounts in the banner below.



The Greenest contest is greatly influenced under the passion for music and a touch of the passion for nature.

We believe that The Greenest represents the values of promising singers and bands such as good singing voice, self-confidence, a love of music, commitment and determination.

But, did you know that The Greenest really exists? It is a mysterious and magical place from the epic world of Let’s Prowess.

A place widely known by its incredible fauna and flora, a breathtaking biodiversity, involving enchanted green magic where singers and bands from all over the world come to deliver the best wellbeing songs.

It is still considered an enigma how the sounds of The Greenest connect with the heroes who commonly share the passion for music, bringing their songs out.

By the way, The Greenest has a little secret to unveil. Over the decades, it is known that these heroes and its passion for music have tried to decipher the divine music manuscript in order to unveil the extraordinary green song, unfortunately, still remains unrevealed today.

Also, heroes from other passions such as football, basketball, painting, writing, tennis, etc, coming along at The Greenest with the only intention to increase their prowess “knowledge”. They find this place as the perfect destination to inspire themselves, a sacred location to be in silence, meditate and think.

Many say they can perceive a source of positive energy, a pure touch with the spirit thanks to the heritage of outstanding green mother nature. Heroes absorb an occult spiritual power, the one is needed in situations where their prowess levels are not enough to defeat their opponents.

If you want to take part in the contest, hurry up and contact us, because as soon as we complete the pre-list of applicants, we will not be able to take anyone else and you will have to wait for the next year. 

The same as the rest of the contests, the fans of Let’s Prowess will be the judges with their votes. 

Now for the coolest part, the winner of the contest will have a special award recognition by the sponsorship of The Greenest.





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